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Litenics drives 55% Protection attach rate and improves customer experience



New York City

Company Size

10 - 30 Members


Pressure Washer

Litenics stands as a testament to what 20 years of dedication to innovation can achieve. Specializing in pressure washer surface cleaners, they have seamlessly blended ground-breaking technology with design sensibility to offer products that redefine outdoor cleaning.

Identifying the Gap:

While Litenics enjoyed substantial market respect and customer loyalty, they realized the need to offer something more. They envisioned providing their customers with an added layer of assurance and trust when investing in their products.

The Surebright Partnership - A Game Changer:


Enter SureBright. Recognizing the potential, Litenics integrated SureBright’s extended warranty solutions into their platform. This strategic move not only enriched the customer purchasing journey but also positioned Litenics as a brand that prioritizes customer trust and satisfaction beyond the point of sale.

The Impactful Outcomes:

Rising Attachment


Boosted Cart Values

Surged By 10%

The results of this collaboration were nothing short of remarkable:

  • Rising Attachment:

    An impressive 55% of Litenics's customers opted for the extended warranty, showcasing its appeal and relevance.

  • Boosted Cart Values:

    With the introduction of the warranty, the Average Order Value (AOV) surged by more than 10%.

Partnership that Defines Success:


Litenics and SureBright's alliance highlights the transformative power of the right partnership. By weaving extended warranty solutions into their offerings, Litenics not only amplified its customer value but also fortified its market position. It's a story of vision, collaboration, and shared success.